John D. Boswell's profile

The Museum of Alien Life

What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe?
What strange things would such a museum hold?
New research is upending our idea of life and where it could be hiding: not just on Earth-like planets, where beings could mimic what our planet has produced, but in far flung places like the hearts of dead stars and the rings of gas giant planets. Nowhere in the universe is off limits.
Concept, visuals, and score by melodysheep, aka John D. Boswell. Narrated by Will Crowley. Additional visuals by Lynn Huberty, Tim Stupak, NASA, and Evolve. Featuring soundbites from Nick Lane, Jonathan Losos, Caleb Scharf, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Chris Crowe, Jack Cohen, and Jill Tarter. 

Featuring clips from Lynn Huberty’s amazing film “SHYAMA”:

Thanks to Protocol Labs for their continued support of this series:
The Museum of Alien Life

The Museum of Alien Life
